Intrinsic World

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Welcome to Gamer Grounds, where we offer a curated collection of indie games available for download in beta or demo form. Whether you're seeking unique adventures, innovative gameplay, or captivating storylines, our carefully selected indie titles are designed to provide fresh and exciting experiences. Each game is handpicked for its creativity, quality, and potential to delight gamers of all kinds. Explore our selection today and dive into the world of indie gaming, where the next great adventure awaits.

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The King Is Watching is a clever roguelite city-building game where you only have the energy to activate a few of your structures at once, so you need to learn to prioritize. In The King Is Watching you have a 4×4 grid which represents your kingdom and you can build different structures in it (farms, windmills, mines, barracks, etc). These come in handy for gathering resources and training your army, which you’ll need to fend off the waves of enemy attacks. However, you only have a limited amount of energy to keep those structures running, so you must drag and drop your energy window over the ones you want to activate. It’s a very addictive game with a simple premise, charming pixel art visuals and a clever energy management system. It keeps you busy as you priorotize different structures and requires a little thought as you figure out optimal places to put them. Highly recommended.

SAND is an open world PvPvE base-building FPS where you construct, pilot and maintain massive walking ships in a sea of sand. In SAND you will explore, search for treasure and attempt to survive in the barren deserts of the planet Sophie. To aid you on your journey you will have a giant mech, which is essentially a walking ship and is called a Trampler. You and your crew will pilot the Trampler, upgrade it, gather resources and battle rival teams. It’s essentially taking the sea-based gameplay of Sea of Thieves/AC: Black Flag and making it infinitely cooler by adding an alien desert and massive walking mech ships. It looks like a hell of a lot of fun, so sign up now to be one of the first to set sail on a sea of SAND.

Beta sign ups are now live for Duckside – a multiplayer PvPvE survival game that plays like a blend of DayZ and Rust, but with ducks! In Duckside you ain’t no chicken, but you are a duck. To be more specific, you’re a duck who can use weapons, harvest resources, craft equipment and build shelters. This will come in handy as you and your buddies attempt to gather loot and protect it from any rival ducks out there who are up to fowl play (and any pesky humans who are out duck hunting). It’s a wonderfully lighthearted take on the multiplayer survival genre that looks set to be more than just a novelty tame. The survival elements seem satisfying deep, the combat looks fun and being able to fly will allow for quick traversal and allow you to rain down bullets from above. Sign up for the Beta to test your fight or flight instincts!

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