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Welcome to Gamer Grounds, where we offer a curated collection of indie games available for download in beta or demo form. Whether you're seeking unique adventures, innovative gameplay, or captivating storylines, our carefully selected indie titles are designed to provide fresh and exciting experiences. Each game is handpicked for its creativity, quality, and potential to delight gamers of all kinds. Explore our selection today and dive into the world of indie gaming, where the next great adventure awaits.

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Contra Reforged is a fan made Contra game that recreates the original arcade classic as a third person shooter. The current build of Contra Reforged features one level that recreates the first level of the original Contra game. You run, jump and shoot your way through its 8-bit styled environment, blasting enemy soldiers, turrets and a large wall fortress. It’s still early in development and a bit bare-bones at the moment (one level, no power-ups, etc.) but it already does a great job of capturing the spirit of the Konami classic. It plays well, it’s satisfyingly tough and the visual design is particularly impressive. It even has a certain cheat code!

Tactical Breach Wizards is a narrative-driven turn-based tactics gone set in a world of magic and modern-day weaponry. In Tactical Breach Wizards you take command of a team of renegade wizards as they attempt to unravel a corporate conspiracy. This generally involves breaching various enemy strongholds and eliminating them with extreme prejudice. Your wizards all have their own unique personalities and perks that can allow them to create powerful synergies with each other. They also have their own personal struggles and you can help them overcome them between missions. Because it’s turn-based tactics game Tactical Breach Wizards is bound to draw comparisons to X-Com, but they’re very different games. Tactical Breach Wizards feels quicker, more focused, has more narrative and more humor. It makes for a refreshing take on the genre and its world of wizardy and modern warfare is a lot of fun.

The gameplay in Freaked Fleapit blends dungeon crawling, rhythm-action and dating, all wrapped up in a Helltaker-esque horny anime vibe. It appears you’ve died and gone to Hell (even though it wasn’t your time to die), so now you need to fight your way out. As you make your way through the procedurally generated dungeons you need to move and attack to the beat. There are plenty of secrets to discover and there are hundreds of unique story events that will help you decide which lucky lady will escape Hell with you. It’s a fun game with simple, but addictive gameplay, great tunes and excellent pixel art animation. Getting to know all the characters and their quirky personalities is a lot of fun too. They all have big personalities.

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