Intrinsic World

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Welcome to Gamer Grounds, where we offer a curated collection of indie games available for download in beta or demo form. Whether you're seeking unique adventures, innovative gameplay, or captivating storylines, our carefully selected indie titles are designed to provide fresh and exciting experiences. Each game is handpicked for its creativity, quality, and potential to delight gamers of all kinds. Explore our selection today and dive into the world of indie gaming, where the next great adventure awaits.

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The Art of Reflection is a clever perspective-based first person puzzle game where you use mirrors and a snap-zoom ability to traverse a surreal labyrinthine structure. In The Art of Reflection your main ability is that you can zoom into areas you’re looking at and teleport directly to them. Teleportation isn’t anything new in video games, but when used in conjunction with the various mirrors in this game it gets a whole lot more interesting. You can use and reposition mirrors to allow you to access new areas, flip into mirror images of the world, and essentially flip gravity. It’s an interesting concept that has some very creative puzzle design. The initial snap-zoom only areas are very simple, but once the mirrors are introduced it starts to get a lot more complex (and fun). A clever first person puzzler with a lot to reflect on!

Golden Lap is a motorsport management game where you attempt to build a winning vehicle and a winning team to lead your team to pole position Currently in development by Funselector Labs Inc (creators of Art of Rally) and Strelka Games (creator of Hell is Others), Golden Lap is a management sim that hearkens back to the golden years of open wheel racing. You take on the role of the head of a racing team who will need to hire ane manage drivers and staff, develop vehicles, gain sponsors, and manage race strategies. It’s got a very clean and intuitive looking UI and it’s clearly made with a lot of love for that era of racing. Sign up now to be in pole position for the Beta!

Hell Survivors is a Vampire Survivors style survival roguelite where you fight off massive waves for demons in Hell. The core gameplay in Hell Survivors is pretty similar to Vampire Survivors – you attempt to last for 20 minutes against huge swarms of demons. As you progress you progress through upgrade trees, allowing you to create powerful builds. There are three heroes to choose from, 3 weapons, 20 upgrade trees, and 9 different types of enemies (including Elites and Bosses). It’s not particularly original, but it’s a good looking Vampire Survivors-like, with great visuals and an addictive gameplay loop. See how long you can survive the swarms of Hell Survivors.

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