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Welcome to Gamer Grounds, where we offer a curated collection of indie games available for download in beta or demo form. Whether you're seeking unique adventures, innovative gameplay, or captivating storylines, our carefully selected indie titles are designed to provide fresh and exciting experiences. Each game is handpicked for its creativity, quality, and potential to delight gamers of all kinds. Explore our selection today and dive into the world of indie gaming, where the next great adventure awaits.

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Fowl Damage is a tricky puzzle platforming adventure where you’re an egg that can jump higher than it can survive falling from. In Fowl Damage you are a little egg that’s trying to make its way through large mechanized factory. You can jump really high, which is handy for reaching high platforms, but it has one large drawback – you’re an egg so you are very susceptible to fall damage. This means your jumps can litterally kill you and you need to find ways to negate the fall. It’s a novel concept that makes for a very different experience to traditional platformers and you really have to think about every jump. The level design is very creative and will often see you taking remarkably complex routes for simple looking areas. Highly recommended.

Thank Goodness You’re Here! is a very funny and utterly absurd hand-animated slapventure where you slap people, animals and things to help a bizarre little town prosper. Taking place in the Yorkshire (Northern English) town of Barnsworth, in Thank Goodness You’re Here! you are a travelling salesman who’s been sent for a meeting with the mayor. However, the mayor isn’t ready for you so you go for a wander and meet the locals. It turns out quite a lot of them need you help, but your only form of interaction is to slap things. You can cause a good amount of destruction, but it turns out your slaps can also be used for good. The demo tales around twenty minutes to play though and is an absolute riot from start to finish. This is thanks largely to the detailed environments that are packed full of sight gags, some hilarious set-pieces and witty dialogue delivered by real voice acting pros (including Matt Berry). The only thing at the moment is that they might want to tweak some of the subtitles a bit so that they stay up for longer (international audiences may struggle to understand the accents). Aside from that though, It’s a hilarious Yorkshire adventure packed full of slap happy goodness. Highly recommended.

The Crimson Diamond is an EGA styled point and click text parser mystery adventure where a geologist investigates the discovery of a massive diamond in Ontario. In The Crimson Diamond you follow the adventure of a young Canadian geologist called Nancy Maple, who is a clerk at the Royal Canadian Museum. She is sent to investigate the story of a massive diamond that was found inside a fish in the ghost town of Crimson, Ontario. However, when she gets there it becomes apparent that there;s something suspicious afoot. The gameplay in The Crimson Diamond is very much inspired by classic EGA adventures, so you can use your mouse to do certain things like move your character and select items in your inventory, but you’ll need to actually type out commands for your character to perform actions (look, take, talk to, etc). You’ll chat to the locals, solve puzzles and hopefully unravel the mystery of the Crimson Diamond. It’s a wonderful love letter to classic EGA adventures with a very well written story, classic gameplay and some superb pixel art animation that’s packed full of details. It’s a lot of fun getting to know the characters and by the end of the demo you’ll be dying to know more about the mystery of the Crimson Diamond. Highly recommended.

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